Case Study 2
Business – Furniture Manufacturing
The business operates from a single manufacturing and distribution site. It has some risk characteristics that means it doesn’t fit with most insurers appetite. Up until VNWL involvement, the business had not received guidance on measures that could be incorporated to reduce their risk and in turn their insurance premium expenditure.
The business had been with the same insurer for several years and up until recently with the change in market conditions, had always been in a position to consider alternative options via other insurers interested in underwriting their key risks.
At the most recent renewal, they were abandoned by their broker with limited time prior to renewal, with their existing insurers looking to come off cover at renewal and no alternatives lined up.
If and when cover was to be sourced, it was looking likely that their policy protection would reduce and premiums would increase substantially.
They had been let down by their previous broker in many ways and feared that their multi millions worth of assets would be exposed whilst no cover was in place.
Vista NW Solution
We were appointed to fix the problem with 48 hours left until the policies expired.
Immediately we negotiated with the existing insurers that they grant an extension of cover on the existing basis for a further 30 days, providing time to secure a viable solution.
We spent a considerable amount of time understanding the businesses main risks, investments made by them to protect against these with consideration for future plans and line up alternative insurers to secure a cost effective insurance program on their behalf.
We were able to secure 100% of the cover required, with ‘A’ rated insurers, whilst also delivering competitive premiums, without any break in cover.
We continue to support the client with their plans to further mitigate their exposures. Several site visits have been carried out and support has been put in place to implement risk reduction actions such as disaster recovery plan and other physical measures to reduce their fire risk.
We are now on track to continuously improving their risk features, that means competition from alternative insurers and options. The client now has comfort in knowing they have suitable protection at manageable costs, with a plan to reducing these over time.